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   >> Geri Halliwell
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Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано18.02.03 01:53

starata tema e mnogo dulga i za tova______________nova!

Lose Some Weight

Тема Geri grabs a Robbie rejectнови [re: angels]  
Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано18.02.03 01:56

>Geri grabs a Robbie reject

Geri Halliwell has signed up the man sacked by Robbie Williams in a bid to kick-start her pop career. She has enlisted songwriter Guy Chambers, telling him: “Make me the female Robbie.” Geri is hoping the man behind mega-hits such as Angels, Let Me Entertain You and Millennium can work his magic on her comeback. But insiders have hinted that if this album is not a success, Geri may turn to TV for a full-time career. She and Guy have already recorded two songs. One, a dance track called Superstar was written in Los Angeles. The other is an untitled ballad they put together in London shortly after Robbie kicked his pal off the payroll last October.

A friend of Geri’s said last night: “She is very excited to be working with Guy and regards him as a musical genius. “He created songs with Robbie that have gone down in modern music history as landmark recordings. “Geri wants to get some songs out there that people will still be belting out on karaoke nights ten years from now. But if this album doesn’t work, it may be that she’ll think about moving on from music and into telly full time.” Geri has had mixed success with her solo career since leaving the Spice Girls. Debut album Schizophonic got to No4 and spawned three No1 singles, Mi Chico Latino, Lift Me Up and Bag It Up. But second album Scream If You Wanna Go Faster was a disappointment. After reaching No5 it rapidly fell out of the charts despite Geri getting another No1 single with It’s Raining Men — a cover of The Weather Girls hit.

In contrast, her TV career is flourishing. Her appearance as a judge on ITV1’s Popstars: The Rivals has led to a presenting job on Simon Fuller’s new project All American Girl. She has called in a number of other bigwigs to make her as-yet-untitled third album a success, including producers Pete Waterman and Steve Lipson. Chris Briggs, the man who introduced Robbie and Guy and is a legendary talent-spotter at EMI, is masterminding Geri’s career. Her spokesman told me: “She is working on her third album but there won’t be anything out until this summer at the earliest.” Robbie showed his old pal Guy the door after he refused to be tied down to an exclusive contract with the singer. Guy was fired weeks before Robbie’s fourth album, Escapology, hit the shops and shortly after Robbie signed his record-breaking Ј80million deal with EMI. Guy had penned half the new album and told me he was bitter about the split. He is regarded as the man behind Robbie’s success over the past five years. Even Robbie has admitted he was nothing without Guy at his side. The pair shared an Ivor Novello songwriting award for their Top Ten hit Strong in 1999. Guy is also working with Britney Spears, Enrique Iglesias and Mel C. Robbie writes his own material.

Lose Some Weight

Тема Geri won't do battle with Mel Bнови [re: angels]  
Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано18.02.03 02:26

Geri won't do battle with Mel B
Geri Halliwell has decided to delay the publication of her second autobiography after it was discovered it would hit the shops on the same day as Mel B's new book.

The two former Spice Girls had been due to release their biographies on 2 September, but a spokesperson for Halliwell said hers is now due on 9 September.

Publishers have received almost twice as many advance orders of Mel B's 'Catch A Fire' than Halliwell's 'Just For the Record'.

ps...koi spe4eli

Lose Some Weight

Тема Sinatra, Nancy - "These Boots"нови [re: angels]  
Автор angels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано18.02.03 02:44

Sinatra, Nancy - "These Boots"
By: Dominick A. Miserandino

After calling Ol' Blue Eyes "Dad," Nancy Sinatra needed to establish herself as her own artist separate from her legendary family, which she did with the "Girl Power" classic "These Boots are Made for Walking," and many more.

NS) Miserandino huh, that’s a cool name.

DM) When it comes to the music industry, you’ve been one of the first female singers to start the “girl power” movement with songs like, “These Boots Are Made For Walking” and the such…

NS) I have a little note on that for you. The first “power women” were black. I think when it comes to me, you need to add the word, “White” in there. The black girls were doing it for a lot of years before I even picked up on it. They’re the ones that deserve the credit. Ruth Brown, Laverne Baker, Darlene Love… these were powerhouse women and it’s nice to be credited as an influence. I meet a lot of young artists and not so young artists who have mentioned me as an influence. You don’t’ realize as you live your life that you might actually be influencing somebody else’s life.
DM) Did you get any flack at the time? It certainly wasn’t traditional for a woman to sing songs like, ”These Boots Are Made for Walking”, and talking about breaking up with a man.

NS) I did, a little bit, but it was from the people who criticized Hillary Clinton who said she didn’t want to stay home and bake cookies. It was the same kind of mentality. I don’t criticize those women and I don’t think they should criticize me. I guess as celebrities we’re targets. and for silly reasons.

DM) Do you think timing was important when it came to your career? That is, if you launched in another time in history it might or might not have been as successful.

NS) Timing was important, very, very important. I remember when I toured, the press in Germany said that the song had to do with the Vietnam War. In Paris they said that it was because of the Subway Strike. Somebody always had a reason for the success of the song. The real success of the song, is two fold. One is the quartertone bass line in the beginning of it, and two, the actual song itself. When it comes to the lyrics, it’s a simple song. I have received so much email from parents who say, “My daughter’s singing her song in her program. Can you send us a copy of the lyrics?” or “My daughter wants a pair of go-go boots, where can I buy them?”

We have some compilation CDs that we make in the house. One is called, “Kids Stuff.” It’s got a really good collection of the songs that kids would love. The title of which would floor you like, “People won’t you leave my dog alone. The songs were pretty absurd.
DM) You recorded them at home? NS) No, we recorded them years ago and over the years and even including just last year, but I made the compilations here at home. Since I don’t have a label to put these things out, I just make them here and send them out to friend. And if I ever get a label I wouldn’t happily give them this entire catalog. I’ve got a huge body of work that people don’t know much about.

DM) I would think that with your built in fan base, the record companies would still be expressing interest.
NS) It’s hard to get the big labels with the big promotion money. Cher was the most recent one around my age who could make it work. Rod Stewart is another one, but in a sense, he sold out with the, “Great American Songbook.” I’ve tried not to sell because in my case, the minute I do songs like that, I’d be criticized and up for grabs for copying my father. So I have to be very, very careful, more so then other rockers. I could easily, because nobody knows the songs as well as I, doing the rock and roll business. Phil Specter and I know them. That’s about it. I don’t know anybody else in the rock and roll record business who would know the verses to these old standards like we do. I’m not ready to go in that direction yet, because I’m still trying to do it this way. I guess it’s like swimming upstream. I keep running into Brittney’s and Christina’s so I can’t get anywhere. It’s hard to even get the jobs in the small clubs.
DM) Is it then a curse or a blessing to follow in your father’s name? That is, you have the name behind you but you do very different music.

NS) They tend to go the other way. They say, “The only good thing I ever did was to be born to Frank Sinatra.. and on one record, ‘Boots’”. Those are the two things they all give me credit for, but reluctantly.
DM) Why is it they’ve given only a surface level reaction of your career? NS) They don’t care Dom, they don’t listen. Why should they? I’m only Frank’s kid. It’s worse for my brother. Although he’s coming into his own now, he’s doing his father’s music. That is wonderful for him, because somebody has to carry that on. But I’ve tried to keep the flame out there on the internet. We all do our part, but it’s not my job to carry that popular big band sound forward, that’s my brother’s. It makes him happy, it makes me happy for him. As for me, my fans expect a certain type of music from me and it makes me happy to give it to them.

DM) Do you prefer new material when you go on tour? NS) If I did all of the hits, I wouldn’t’ have time to do anything else. There were 22 chart records, and that would be a very long show as it is. I have to integrate new stuff or I don’t grow musically, and I won’t improve. I have to give a little variety. It just would be boring otherwise. Some of the hit songs are never a bore to me. Besides, we play them with a fresh feel now. If you’re going to bring music to the people, which is really what we do when we go on the road, we certainly don’t do it for the money. There’s no money in it at all. We try to promote ourselves as an act. People constantly write, when are you coming back. A lot of people tried getting into The Bottom Line, so now they have another chance at BB Kings. I played one before and it was such a blast. The people were so great. People are so worried now… so we bring them a little present. It’s not expensive to get in. I had a writing teacher who said, that… you have to be in it for the joy of the doing of the thing.

Lose Some Weight

Тема Gezza's Mansion Sells - Friday, April 11th 2003,нови [re: angels]  
Автор dareAngels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано13.04.03 14:28

Gezza's Mansion Sells - Friday, April 11th 2003, 6:00 p.m.
Credit :. Spice Girls Asia
UK (THIS IS LONDON) - Geri Halliwell has sold her "white elephant" Buckinghamshire mansion at last, after nearly a year on the market through Knight Frank. But she took a Ј250,000 drop from her original Ј3.75 million asking price. Geri bought rambling St Paul's House, a former Catholic convent at Middle Green near Windsor, in 1998, but spent little time there. "It's hard to believe that five years ago I was living in a rented flat in Watford," she once said, surveying the property's 17 acres, which include a gazebo, sunken Italian garden and tennis court. Meanwhile, the two-bedroom maisonette that Geri Halliwell formerly rented in Notting Hill is available through Susan Metcalfe at Ј650 a week, rather less than the former Spice Girl paid. It includes an eat-in kitchen and large roof terrace where she sunbathed and prepared barbecues. The Portland Road property is close to fashionable restaurants such as Orsino and Julie's, as well as the boutiques and interior design shops of Clarendon Cross.

...I'll always be your whore...

Тема She Looks 'Geri-Atric' - Tuesday, April 8th 2003,нови [re: angels]  
Автор dareAngels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано13.04.03 14:28

She Looks 'Geri-Atric' - Tuesday, April 8th 2003, 8:00 p.m.
Credit :. The Sun
IT’S not often you see GERI HALLIWELL out and about without make-up on and here’s why. The former Spice Girl was caught unawares munching a salad in Los Angeles and was looking far from her youthful self. With parched skin and wrinkles round the eyes it looks like she’s been enjoying the Californian sun a little too much. Either that or the sprightly little singer is finally succumbing to the effects of ageing. She is 30, after all. Still, many of you will prefer the natural look and applaud the fact she is shunning the Botox or facelifts so many of her LA neighbours go in for. It’s a far cry from the slap-happy Geri we’re supposed to see.

...I'll always be your whore...

Тема Spice Growls, Geri & Mel in Feud - Thursday, Aprilнови [re: angels]  
Автор dareAngels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано13.04.03 14:30

Spice Growls, Geri & Mel in Feud - Thursday, April 3rd 2003, 9:00 a.m.
Credit :. Mirror
ANYONE still holding out for a Spice Girls reunion shouldn't hold their breath if relations between Geri Halliwell and Mel B are anything to go by. Far from kissing and making up, the feisty former bandmates - who are now being dubbed the Ice Girls - have fallen out over their careers. Mel, 27, flew out to LA last month with the intention of persuading film bosses to turn her into the next Nicole Kidman. But, surprise, surprise, things haven't worked out that way. And to rub salt into the wounds, Geri, 30, is America's sweetheart after landing a plush job as a judge on the reality TV show All American Girl. Adding insult to injury, furious Mel didn't get an invite to the Oscars while Geri did. A friend said: "Put it this way, Geri and Mel aren't on the best terms. Mel's gutted she hasn't made an impression on anyone over there, yet Geri's the toast of Hollywood. "Geri was inundated with party offers on Oscar week and was sent a ticket to the ceremony. Mel, on the other hand, couldn't get one for love nor money. "Obviously she's jealous, who wouldn't be? They were both huge names over there in the 1990s yet Mel barely gets a second glance these days. And to be honest, she can't see what Geri's got that she hasn't." Mel and four-year-old daughter Phoenix Chi fled to La La Land in September after the filming of her BBC3 drama Burn It finished. She immediately hooked up with on/off boyfriend Max Beesley who's also trying to carve out a movie career in Hollywood. Scary Spice then returned to England to film new movie LD 50 in which she plays an animal activist. The Leeds lass decided to have another crack at LA last month, much to her former bosom buddy's annoyance. For Geri believes that now she's such a huge star Stateside, Mel is trying to ride on her coat-tails. And she recently told pals, "This town, ain't big enough for the both of us." A source close to Geri told us: "She's annoyed with Mel because it seems she's trying to use her relationship with Geri and the Spice Girls to impress people. "They were on speaking terms until a month ago but things have now become very fraught."

...I'll always be your whore...

Тема Solo Act For Geri - Saturday, March 8thнови [re: angels]  
Автор dareAngels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано13.04.03 14:39

Solo Act For Geri - Saturday, March 8th 2003, 12:53 p.m.
visit the mirror
Geri Halliwell and George Michael may have taken pains not to leave The Ivy together but, apparently, they're reconciled and it's all love and hugs again. Perhaps they were at the London restaurant to celebrate George's first appearance on Top Of The Pops for 17 years. Or they could have been toasting Geri's new role as a judge on the US reality TV series All American Girl, which the 30-year-old ex-Spice Girl will begin filming next week. Yes, after rocky spells - George, 39, once said "it is difficult to maintain a relationship with a person who lives for the press" - things seem to be looking up both professionally and personally for the old friends. Just one question - where is Geri's other best pal, her Shih Tzu dog Harry? He seems to have quietly disappeared.

...I'll always be your whore...

Тема Re: newsнови [re: angels]  
Автор dareAngels (GeriFAN)
Публикувано13.04.03 14:53

Halliwood's Success & Conan Screencaps - Saturday, March 15th 2003, 5:24 p.m.
Credit :. Halliwood
News just in.....Halliwood is a success! We are proud to announce that Halliwood is doing superbly well and has gotten an average of over 170 hits per day, and over 250 at its height. We must thank the vistors because without you we wouldn't be writing this today and we wouldn't be one of the most visited Geri Halliwell websites on the net.

...I'll always be your whore...

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