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Тема Great employment/economic news from Canada!!нови  
Автор access (obektiven)
Публикувано08.04.02 22:09

Yavno ikonomikata na Canada se izpravia solidno na kraka dosta predi taia na US.
Rekorden ryst na novi jobs za January i sega otnovo March- nai golemiat ryst za 1 mesez ot 1976 (26 godini) nasam!!!
Po vsichko lichi dobri novini za novopristigashtite v Canada imigranti:)))
I se ochakva da stanat oshte po dobri.
Taka che sled okolo godina razocharovashti novini mai veche e vreme za po vechko usmivki i optimizym za novopristigashtite:)))


Apr. 6, 2002

88,000 new jobs created in March
Canada's biggest job market leap since 1976 stuns forecasters
Steven Theobald
business reporter

Gum maker Wrigley Canada finds itself in a rather sticky situation.

The Chicago-based parent company chose its Canadian unit to make a new
product destined exclusively for the United States.

But Canada's booming job market has Wrigley hoping it hasn't bitten off more
than it can chew. The gum, Orbit, is now so successful the company needs to
add 100 people to its Don Mills factory.

Wrigley hired 22 people last month but it's desperately trying to fill
another 76 positions, mostly skilled and semi-skilled workers for plant

"We are very much searching high and low, all over the world actually, for
folks right now," said Dave McGregor, vice-president of human resources, in
an interview yesterday.

"These are well-paying jobs."

Statistics Canada shed some light on McGregor's dilemma.

In March, the Canadian economy added a stunning 88,000 jobs, StatsCan
reported yesterday. That's the largest jump since January, 1976, when the
statistical agency changed the way it collects employment data.

The March number surpassed the equally astounding 75,900 jobs created in

In total, 170,000 net new positions were created in the first three months
of the year, the biggest quarterly increase since 1987.

The 88,000 new jobs in March - 40,000 full-time and 48,000 part-time -
stunned forecasters. They had expected a modest gain of 10,000.

"To give an idea just how dramatic that number was, U.S. financial markets
moved on it. That is something you never, ever see," said Doug Porter,
senior economist with BMO Nesbitt Burns.

"It was on people's screens across the world."

The report garnered so much attention because it was released 90 minutes
before the U.S. employment numbers for March.

Traders in Toronto were getting calls from American colleagues asking if the
blockbuster Canadian jobs numbers meant the U.S. report would also come in
huge, Porter said.

"That was the reaction everywhere."

Turned out the U.S. employment numbers were weaker than expected. A gain of
58,000 positions wasn't enough to keep the U.S. unemployment rate from
rising to 5.7 per cent in March, from 5.5 per cent the previous month.

Canada's unemployment rate edged down to 7.7 per cent, from 7.9 per cent in

The fall in the jobless rate was tempered by a 68,000 increase in the number
of people seeking work. If the labour force participation rate, now at an
11-year high, had remained unchanged, Canada's unemployment rate would have
sunk to 7.3 per cent.

Economists, still dizzy from the massive job creation figures in January,
ran out of unused superlatives to describe the March report.

"It's wild," said Marc LИvesque, senior economist at the Toronto-Dominion
Bank. "Indeed, people are at a loss for words."

Strength was virtually across the board, with all major provinces and
industries posting employment gains.

The news was particularly good for manufacturing, which saw employment and
output plunge last year. That sector added 13,400 jobs in March, taking the
total for the first quarter to 99,400, erasing any lingering doubts of a

Quebec led all provinces with 32,400 jobs, followed by Ontario with 17,400.

TD's LИvesque says two main factors can take credit for Canada's incredible
recovery from last year's slump.

First, the impact from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks never really
materialized in Canada beyond the month.

"Canada came out of that smelling like a rose," LИvesque said.

Second, the Bank of Canada and the U.S. Federal Reserve aggressively slashed
their trend-setting interest rates, keeping consumer confidence, and the
economy, afloat.

Interest-rate-sensitive items such as housing and vehicles set and continue
to set sales records.

The bad news is that those low borrowing costs are going up sooner rather
than later.

Yesterday's job report will prompt the Bank of Canada to start cranking up
its trend-setting interest rates starting next month, said Ted Carmichael,
chief economist at J.P. Morgan Securities Canada Inc.

Last year, the bank cut its overnight rate by 3.75 percentage points,
including 2 percentage points following Sept. 11, to spur the
then-sputtering economy.

Economists initially thought Canada's central bank would wait until the end
of the year before it started raising rates.

"The way it turned out the fourth quarter was stronger than expected and the
first quarter is coming in like gangbusters," Carmichael said.

"That has pulled the whole schedule forward."

Carmichael believes the bank will raise rates by 1.5 percentage points by
year's end, in slow but steady quarter-point increments.

The stream of good economic news, underscored by yesterday's job report,
will hopefully prompt businesses to start investing again, the missing
ingredient to a sustained rebound, said Jay Myers, chief economist at
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters.

"If these indicators continue, we can move up the recovery in capital
spending from early next year to the fourth quarter of this year or perhaps
late into the third."

Редактирано от access на 08.04.02 22:43.

Тема Posmali, Malko!нови [re: access]  
Автор* (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано08.04.02 22:17

Akses4o, kak razbra, 4e ikonomikata na Kanada 6te izprewari USA, be sladur zlaten?
Are pusni linka kum tova, koeto si prochel, mesto da go prepisva6? Pisna mi da ti 4eta bratwejite, dai fakti nasam!
Nema link s pauzi, ne znae6 li? Kato si po cyal den pred monitora barem tova ne se li nau4i da dava6 linkove kam to4nata statia?Aman ot tia vestnici!

Тема Zabrawih!нови [re: access]  
Автор* (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано08.04.02 22:23

Towa, 4e Kanada moje da zadmine SHTATITE w ikonomi4eskoto si wazstanowiawane e dosta smehotworna teza. Wzemi go napi6i towa w niakoia ot newsgroups da widim kakwo 6te ti kajat!

Тема Za nemozeshtite da chetat...нови [re: *]  
Автор access (obektiven)
Публикувано08.04.02 22:40

povtariam kakvo napisah predi malko:

"Yavno ikonomikata na Canada se izpravia solidno na kraka dosta predi taia na US. "

tova e FAKT.
po dolu shto opitam da go dokaza s zifri i ofizialna US statistika.

Ako se prochete poslednata Employment Situation Summary ot ofizialniat site na US department of Labor

vseki shte vidi tochno tova che US prodylzava da gubi jobs v razlichnite sectori na economikata dokato Canada belezi recorden ryst na jobs.
Az tova napisah i vseki moze da se ubedi v vernosta mu.
Bezrabotizata v Canada za March samo e padnala s 0.2% a taia v US prodylzava da se uvelichava...
Tova za men samo po sebe si e priznak che Canadskata economika e ZADMINALA v tempa si na recovery taia na US.
Koeto e i mnogo logichno ako se zamisli chovek....vinagi edna po malka po mashtaba si economica e po gyvkava povratliva i sposobna na po riazki i byrzi promeni...
Tochno tova se nabludava v Canada...mnogo rabotodateli zapiochvat aktivno da tyrsiat rabotnizi, drugi planirali ot predi uvolnenia gi otlagat ili otmeniat.
Izobshto promianata v bisiness climate se chuvstva v vyzduha. Neshto koeto (i US zifrite go pokazvat) ne e taka zasega v US.
Zelta na postinga mi beshe da dam dobri novini na emigrirashtite v Canada nezabavno sled kato te biaha publikuvani...
Niamam za zel v toia post da sporia kakvo e v US economy. Poneze biah zapitan slagam linka vseki sam da chete i sravniava. A az koeto sym napisal e solid facts and numbers!!!

A toia koito mu e "omryznalo da me chete" da ne otvaria temite koito sym pisal.


Тема Do accessнови [re: access]  
АвторBorislav (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано08.04.02 23:33

Ne iskam da protivorecha, no niakoi fakti sa interesni:
1. Bezrabotitsata e 7,7% sled tezi sazdadeni rabotni mesta (ot 7,9%). Tuk v USA na 5% mu kazvame "visoka bezrabotitsa".
2. Otvoreni mesta prez m. Mart - 88000.
Ostanali bez rabota prez m. Mart - 68000.
Otnositelno uvelichenie na rabotnite mesta v tozi sluchai e 20000.
3. Mesta v proizvodstvoto (tova e istinskoto miasto da se gleda. Ostanaloto sa uslugi i pravitelstveni mesta).
M. Mart: Otvoreni 13400 mesta ot obshto 88000 ili samo 15,2%.
Purvo trimesechie na 2002 - otvoreni mesta 99400 ot obshto 170000 ili 58,4%. Tova oznachava, che proizvodstvenite mesta namaliavat prez m. Mart v sravnenie na predishnite mesetsi.
Za da se vidi istinska kartina na podobrenie, novite rabotni mesta triabva da sa ot poriaduka na 200000 do 500000, t.e. 10 puti poveche mesechno, otkolkoto e sega.
Tia deto podhvqrliat kiuftetata i praviat sandvichi, ili tezi, koito si cheshat zadnicite po pravitelstvenite uchrejdenia ne praviat ikonomikata. Ikonomikata se pravi ot proizvodstvoto.

Тема Otgovor...нови [re: Borislav]  
Автор access (obektiven)
Публикувано08.04.02 23:56

"1. Bezrabotitsata e 7,7% sled tezi sazdadeni rabotni mesta (ot 7,9%). Tuk v USA na 5% mu kazvame "visoka bezrabotitsa". "

az edinstveno komentirah POSOKATA i TEMPA na dvizenie na dvete ikonomiki i po spezialno nezapomenniat ryst na jobs v Canada ot 1976 nasam...
za pyrvite 3 meseza na godinata Canada belezi rekorden prirast na novi jobs i samo prez March unepmloyment rate padna s 0.2% - az publikuvah tia resultatti zashtoto te priako kasaiat mnogo hora emigrirashti v Canada i chetiashti tuk.

Na replika na drug uchastnik v foruma v posledstvie dadah link za sravnenie s US Labor Department statistics kydeto pishe slednoto:

"The number of unemployed persons (8.1 million) and the unemployment rate
(5.7 percent) were little changed in March. The jobless rate has been
within two-tenths of a percentage point of 5.6 percent since October 2001"

ot tuk se vizda (po US danni) che v US NE SE ZABELIAZVA podobno riazko namaliavane na bezrabotizata kato v Canada za March naprimer.

Ili pak kazvam az SAMO komentiram posokata i opitvam da sravnia temoto na izlizane ot krizata na dvete ikonomiki.
I tvyrdia che Canadskata (na baza na gornite zifri) izliza ot krizata PO BYRZO ot amerikanskata.
Samo tova tvyrdia:))
A inache sym syglasen che istinskata ikonomika ne e v McDonalds flipping burgers;)))

Nadiavam se sega da sym bil razbran.


Тема Re: "Great" employment/economic news from Canada!!нови [re: access]  
АвторPeter (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано09.04.02 00:10

Oshte "chudesni" novini ot dnes:

Telecom giant BCE Inc. led the losers among local stocks worth more than a dollar. It fell 9.56 per cent, or $2.69, to $25.46 as it continues to endure last week's bad news from its Teleglobe and Emergis units.

Nortel Networks also continued to suffer from its downgrades of last week. It lost another 5.83 per cent, or 35 cents, to finish at $5.65.

In a tight running for third was Canadian Bank Note Co. and telecom software firm Orchestream. Canadian Bank Note lost 5.28 per cent, or 14 cents, to end at $2.51. Orchestream was off 5.13 per cent, or eight cents, to $1.48.

Bellwether JDS Uniphase also finished in the red, down 1.36 per cent, or 15 cents, to $10.85.

Тема Re: "Great" employment/economic news from Canada!!нови [re: Peter]  
Автор access (obektiven)
Публикувано09.04.02 00:19

Za radost na canadzite canadskata ikonomika ne e samo Nortel nito samo high tech.
Obshtata picture (ne za edin den i ne sa 1-2 companii) izglezda vse po dobra za ikonomikata na Canada. Tova se sreshta kato mnenie vse po chesto sred mnogo analizatori na trendovete v Canadskata ikonomika.
Eto po taia prichina se ochakva Bank of Canada da zapochne da vdiga lihveniat % koeto e suguren beleg che ikonomikata se stabilizira kato zialo i Bankata opitva da se predpazi ovreme ot inflazia.
Taka che bih preporychal da se gledat neshtata v zialost v perespektiva a ne one at the time.


Тема Re: "Great" employment/economic news from Canada!!нови [re: access]  
АвторPeter (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано09.04.02 00:29

Mnogo hubavo si go napisal. Za radost na Canadcite, a ne na immigrantite /mai tozi forum se kazva emigracia ako ne se laja, a ne Canadian lifestyle/.
I "zabravi" da spomenesh, che osnovnata chast ot novorazkritite rabotni mesta e v obrazovanieto, stroitelstvoto i darjavnia sektor. Mai samo v stroitelstvoto niakoi immigrant shte moje da se "zakachi" na 8-10CAD/chas/. Ako e lucky enough, razbira se

Тема Re: "Great" employment/economic news from Canada!!нови [re: Peter]  
Автор access (obektiven)
Публикувано09.04.02 00:43

Ima dosta bylgari imigranti prepodavately v Canadski uchebni zavedenia. Lichno poznavam pone niakolko takiva.
Osven tova ne znaia okolo teb no v t.n. Golden Triangle za stroitelna rabota se plashta (naskoro go nauchih iznenadan) $25-$30/chas i trudno se namirat meraklii da rabotiat tova...
Taka che canadski grazdani ili permanent residenti vsichki te imat direkten benefit ot namaliavashtata bezrabotiza.

eto zitat ot ofizialniat site na statistics Canada:

"More jobs in several industries
The largest increase in employment occurred in management, administrative and other support services, where an additional 27,000 were employed. Most of the gain was in the largest sub-sector, services to buildings and dwellings.

Retail and wholesale employers hired 18,000 more workers in March, bringing year-over-year growth to 4.1% since March 2001."

Ne bih narekal tova ryst samo v obrazovanieto, stroitelstvoto i dyrzavniat sector.
Neshto po veche eto kakvo pishe za "private sector" kydeto verno che po vecheto novopristigashti imigranti biha se nasochili:
"More employees in the private sector
The number of employees in the private sector grew 87,000 in March, while self-employment and public sector employment remained relatively stable. The number of employees in the private sector has risen 153,000 since the start of 2002."

Taka che nezavisimo ot kraha na Nortel za radost dosta drugi sectori v canadskata ikonomika se spraviat znachitelno po dobre i imenno tam e golemiat ryst na rabotni mesta ot koeto polza imat spored men VSICHKI ziveeshti v Canada.


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