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Тема music box N 8.  
Автор Hel (скептик)
Публикувано14.12.05 17:25

Понеже старата папка натежа малко , отварям нова..
Продължавайте да пускате любимата си музика тук..

Stone Temple Pilots - Creep

Forward yesterday
Makes me wanna stay
What they said was real
Makes me wanna steal
Livin’ under house
Guess I’m livin’, I’m a mouse
All’s I gots is time
Got no meaning, just a rhyme

Take time with a wounded hand
’cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
’cause I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand
’cause it likes to heal, I like to steal

I’m half the man I used to me
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I’m half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I’m half the man I used to me
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
Well, I’m half the man I used to be, half the man I used to be

Feelin’ uninspired
Think I’ll start a fire
Everybody run
Bobby’s got a gun
Think you’re kinda neat
Then she tells me I’m a creep
Friends don’t mean a thing
Guess I’ll leave it up to me

Take time with a wounded hand
’cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
Guess I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand
’cause it likes to heal, I like to steal

I’m half the man I used to me
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I’m half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I’m half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I’m half the man I used to be, half the man I used to be

Take time with a wounded hand
’cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
Guess I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand
’cause it likes to heal, I like to steal

I’m half the man I used to me
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I’m half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I’m half the man I used to be
This I feel as the dawn
It fades to gray
I’m half the man I used to be, half the man I used to be,
Half the man I used to be

...субективна обективизация на реалността ?...

Тема мария илиева. [re: Hel]  
Автор Hel (скептик)
Публикувано14.12.05 18:21

Идваш към мен

Искаш ли да бъдеш там,
където съм,
да намериш смисъл в мен.
Идваш и сега да чуя думите
отдавна казани вече от мен.

Аз обичах те и умирах за теб,
но защо ли не разбра?

Идваш към мен и си отиваш преди да те видя.
Идваш към мен и си отиваш преди да те имам.

Вярваш ли в това,
че мога да простя ако намериш отново мен.
Трябва ли сега да чуя думите
отдавна казани вече от мен.

Аз обичах те и умирах за теб,
но защо ли не разбра?

Идваш към мен и си отиваш преди да те видя.
Идваш към мен и си отиваш преди да те имам.
Идваш към мен, идваш към мен.
Идваш към мен, идваш към мен...

...субективна обективизация на реалността ?...

Тема Sarah - Scream, когато... [re: Hel]  
Автор BabyDyke (mango me)
Публикувано15.12.05 11:23

...единственото, което не само вярвате, но и искате да направите е да крещите от безсилие...докато ви издържат дробовете, докато не издъхнете. Да крещите от ярост, причинена от собственото ви безумие, глупост, безразсъдство, нетърпение, малоумие, замаеност въобще тъпанарско държание - тогава тази песен говори сама:

Sarah Bettens

I used to know I was right
Too old to be cute, too small to mind
I sometimes say things really loud
I found out that volume can make up for content drought
Scream until you lose your breath
Force your way inside some youthful soul tonight
Teach him only you are right
I used to know how to change the world
I lie awake at night and envy that girl
Sometimes I think it's not that hard to tell the good and bad apart
And that idea confirms my fear I'm not the brightest person here
Scream until you lose your breath
Force your way inside some youthful soul tonight
Teach him only you are right
I changed my mind a million times
I know for sure that that's alright
Scream until you lose your breath
Force your way inside some youthful soul tonight
Teach him only you are right

"Language casts sheaves of reality upon the social body", Monique Wittig (1935-2003)

Тема отново Sarah, но този път когато... [re: Hel]  
Автор BabyDyke (mango me)
Публикувано15.12.05 11:48

...момента на вътрешно напрежение и вътрешна ярост е преминал и се разсейва и разтапя, в тази посока в която цялото ти тяло чувства само плавен ритъм:

Come over here


Something tells you you should go
Deep down you have always known
Something sweet is on the other side

Mama’s gonna cry for you
Papa might disown you
You are getting ready for the ride
So won’t you Come over here
Wear the shirt you think you like
There’s all kinds of shades of white
Embrace the color in your life

You can’t see beyond the wall
Paradise for those who fall Out of grace or simply out of sight
Why don’t you Come over here
Someone out there will hate you now
But what you take is what you allow

Wear the shirt you think you like
There’s all kinds of shades of white
Embrace the color in your life
You can’t see beyond the wall
Paradise for those who fall Out of grace or simply out of sight
So won’t you Come over here
Why don’t you come over here
Come over here

"Language casts sheaves of reality upon the social body", Monique Wittig (1935-2003)

Тема Re: Sarah - Stay... [re: BabyDyke]  
Авторnone (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано15.12.05 14:26

Things can get much better
You might have to stay
To make sure I'll never
Forget about today
You might have to stay

I don't really wanna know
How this story will unfold
I can only hope you'll wait until it's told
I go out and find my way
You can do the same but I kneel
Oooh you
I can be alone but only when I'm holding you

Тема rosenstolz- lasses liebe... [re: BabyDyke]  
Авторnone (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.12.05 20:01

Hast du mir ein Wort zu sagen
nur ein Gedanken dann
lass es Liebe sein
Kannst du mir ein Bild beschreiben
mit deinen Farben dann
lass Liebe sein

Wann du gehst wieder gehst
Schau mir noch mal ins Gesicht
sags mir oder sag es nicht
Dreh dich bitte nochmal um
und ich sehs in deinem Blick
Lass es Liebe sein lass es Liebe sein

Hast du nur noch einen Tag
nur eine Nacht dann
lass es Liebe sein
Hast du nur noch eine Frage
die ich nie zu fragen wage dann
lass es Liebe sein

Das ist alles was wir brauchen
noch viel mehr als große Worte
Lass das alles hinter dir
fang nochmal von vorne an


Liebe ist alles

Alles was wir brauchen .....

Тема Jennifer Brown [re: Hel]  
Автор Sperantza (тройка спатия)
Публикувано17.12.05 13:57

Tuesday Afternoon

It started on a Tuesday afternoon
Josie was one of those easy girls who had wide
And she was drawn in by the incense at the
Mission Room Bar
You know, once she got in the boys attacked her
like a movie star
And as soon as she got nervous she was drinkin
and smokin
Like a lover caught chokin on another mans bone
But clicking her heels wouldnt get her home
She called me laughin from a pay phone


Just before 2:15 in the morning
Josie was doin the Hustle with a ruffneck named
And they were bumpin and grindin and grindin
and bumpin
You know once you get there its hard to stop the
bass from pumpin
And as soon as she was willing, Jimmys jeep was
And her lips were swollen from the fat shit she was
By 4 oclock his waterbed was broken
She called me nervous from his cell phone


It ended on a Wednesday afternoon
Josie arrived at my apartment with mascara
running down her cheeks
She was crying like a baby, saying, What a
I had to sit on my hands to keep them from
slapping her face
Cause as soon as I asked her if she used
I saw Josies complexion turn a shade of gray
Now what am I supposed to say?
Just dont party on a weekday


Тема Woodface/Gert Bettens -- The Coldest Time of Year [re: Hel]  
Автор K. (audiowhore)
Публикувано17.12.05 17:29

Woodface (Gert Bettens) -- The Coldest Time of Year

this is the coldest time of year
this is the time to disappear
where to?
wherever you will go, my dear
where to?
wherever you will go, my dear

this is as cold as it will get
this is the time to stay in bed
and tell me stories
shining through my head
and tell me stories
shining through my head

little crystal, frozen dew
i dream of kiwis, kangaroos
whatever, i am here with you
whatever, i am here with you

this is the coldest time of year
this is the time to disappear
where to?
wherever you will go, my dear
where to?
wherever you will go, my dear

Редактирано от K. на 17.12.05 17:32.

Тема Skunk Anansie [re: Hel]  
Автор Sperantza (тройка спатия)
Публикувано18.12.05 10:41


Lost in time I can't count the words
I said when I thought they went unheard
All of those harsh thoughts so unkind
'cos I wanted you

And now I sit here I'm all alone
So here sits a bloody mess, tears fly home
A circle of angels, deep in war
'cos I wanted you

Weak as I am, no tears for you
Weak as I am, no tears for you
Deep as I am, I'm no ones fool
Weak as I am

So what am I now I'm love last home
I'm all of the soft words I once owned
If I opened my he heart, there'd be no space for air
'cos I wanted you

Weak as I am, no tears for you
Weak as I am, no tears for you
Deep as I am, I'm no ones fool
Weak as I am

In this tainted soul
In this weak young heart
Am I too much for you

In this tainted soul
In this weak young heart
Am I too much for you

In this tainted soul
In this weak young heart
Am I too much for you

Weak as I am
Weak as I am
Weak as I am
Weak as I am, am, am

Weak as I am
Am I to much for you
Weak as I am
Am I to much for you
Weak as I am
Am I to much for you
Weak as I am
Am I to much for you
Weak as I am

Тема Re: ZЕМФИРА [re: Hel]  
Автор emik (непознатa)
Публикувано18.12.05 12:38


я ухожу, оставляя горы окурков
километры дней, миллионы придурков
литры крови, подаренной или потерянной

оставляю друзей, тех, что наполовину,
себя на радиоволнах, коротких и длинных
осчастливленных мною и обиженных мною

терзает ночь мои опухшие веки
я ничего, ничего об этом не помню
моя любовь осталась в XX веке

и снова ночь - стрела отравлена ядом
я никогда, никогда тебя не оставлю
ты полежи со мною неслышно рядом

я ухожу, оставляя причины для споров
мою смешную собаку, мой любимый город
недокуренный план, гигабайт фотографий

оставляю мечту - может, кто-то захочет?
три тетради сомнений моим неровным почерком
деньги в банке и многих себе подобных

терзает ночь мои опухшие веки
я ничего, ничего об этом не помню
моя любовь осталась в XX веке

ночь - стрела отравлена ядом
я никогда, никогда тебя не оставлю
ты полежи со мною неслышно рядом

© zemfira.ru 2003

"Никой не знае какво ще се случи след пет минути"

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