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Тема счупена записвачканови  
Авторgnome (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано26.09.08 13:17

След като прекарах няколко дни в гугъл, реших да попитам във форум. Имам закачен харддиск SAMSUNG SP0802N на 1-во ide под мастър. На второто иде има двд записвачка TSSTcorpCDа/DVDW SH-S182D под master.
Проблем: ОС разпознава записвачката, но като се опитам да записвам с k3b, gnomebaker, cdrecord, brasero, ми дава следната грешка:
cdrecord: No disk / Wrong disk!
Ето и целият лог http://pastebin.com/m760887e
AMD Sempron(tm) 2200+
OS: Slackware 12.1

Преди да изхвърля записвачката, щото вероятно е счупена, реших да се допитам тук.

Тема Re: счупена записвачканови [re: gnome]  
Автор/// (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано26.09.08 13:48

Защо не пробваш с по-сериозен софтуер за запис, неро например?

Тема Re: счупена записвачканови [re: gnome]  
Автор easy (wanderer)
Публикувано26.09.08 14:49

Не че разбирам много от Линукс, ама в долния листинг от посочената страница имаше редове:
cdrecord: This version of cdrecord does not include DVD-R/DVD-RW support code.
cdrecord: If you need DVD-R/DVD-RW support, ask the Author for cdrecord-ProDVD.

DVD ли се опитваш да запишеш?

Тема Re: счупена записвачканови [re: gnome]  
Автор ЛУД ПPЪЧ (еблив смърдел)
Публикувано26.09.08 16:15

имам две записвачки. старата вече остаря, но все още чете и не съм я изхвърлил още.

Slackware 12.0 с ъпдейти до началото на лятото.

1. старата:

$ cdrecord  dev=/dev/dvd -prcap  > test_prcap_dvd.log  2>&1

cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-
cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.
scsidev: '/dev/dvd'
devname: '/dev/dvd'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
Cdrecord-ProDVD-Clone 2.01.01a23 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Jцrg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.9'.
Device type : Removable CD-ROM
Version : 0
Response Format: 2
Capabilities :
Vendor_info : 'HL-DT-ST'
Identifikation : 'DVDRAM GSA-4167B'
Revision : 'DL10'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM.

Drive capabilities, per MMC-3 page 2A:

Does read CD-R media
Does write CD-R media
Does read CD-RW media
Does write CD-RW media
Does read DVD-ROM media
Does read DVD-R media
Does write DVD-R media
Does read DVD-RAM media
Does write DVD-RAM media
Does support test writing

Does read Mode 2 Form 1 blocks
Does read Mode 2 Form 2 blocks
Does read digital audio blocks
Does restart non-streamed digital audio reads accurately
Does support Buffer-Underrun-Free recording
Does read multi-session CDs
Does read fixed-packet CD media using Method 2
Does not read CD bar code
Does not read R-W subcode information
Does read raw P-W subcode data from lead in
Does return CD media catalog number
Does return CD ISRC information
Does support C2 error pointers
Does not deliver composite A/V data

Does play audio CDs
Number of volume control levels: 256
Does support individual volume control setting for each channel
Does support independent mute setting for each channel
Does not support digital output on port 1
Does not support digital output on port 2

Loading mechanism type: tray
Does support ejection of CD via START/STOP command
Does not lock media on power up via prevent jumper
Does allow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW command
Is not currently in a media-locked state
Does not support changing side of disk
Does not have load-empty-slot-in-changer feature
Does not support Individual Disk Present feature

Maximum read speed: 13850 kB/s (CD 78x, DVD 10x)
Current read speed: 13850 kB/s (CD 78x, DVD 10x)
Maximum write speed: 11080 kB/s (CD 62x, DVD 8x)
Current write speed: 11080 kB/s (CD 62x, DVD 8x)
Rotational control selected: CLV/PCAV
Buffer size in KB: 2048
Copy management revision supported: 1
Number of supported write speeds: 2
Write speed # 0: 11080 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD 62x, DVD 8x)
Write speed # 1: 5540 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD 31x, DVD 4x)

Supported CD-RW media types according to MMC-4 feature 0x37:
Does write multi speed CD-RW media
Does write high speed CD-RW media
Does write ultra high speed CD-RW media
Does write ultra high speed+ CD-RW media

Supported profiles according to MMC-4 feature list:
Current: DVD-R sequential recording
Profile: DVD-RAM
Profile: DVD-R sequential recording (current)
Profile: DVD-R/DL sequential recording
Profile: DVD-R/DL layer jump recording
Profile: DVD-RW sequential overwrite
Profile: DVD-RW restricted overwrite
Profile: DVD+RW
Profile: DVD+R
Profile: DVD+R/DL
Profile: DVD-ROM
Profile: CD-R
Profile: CD-RW
Profile: CD-ROM
Profile: Removable Disk

Supported features according to MMC-4 feature list:
Feature: 'Profile List' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'Core' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'Morphing' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'Removable Medium' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'Write Protect'
Feature: 'Random Readable'
Feature: 'Multi Read'
Feature: 'CD Read'
Feature: 'DVD Read'
Feature: 'Random Writable'
Feature: 'Incremental Streaming Writable' (current)
Feature: 'Formattable'
Feature: 'Defect Management'
Feature: 'Restricted Overwrite'
Feature: 'DVD+RW'
Feature: 'DVD+R'
Feature: 'Rigid Restricted Overwrite'
Feature: 'CD Track at Once'
Feature: 'CD Mastering'
Feature: 'DVD-R/-RW Write' (current)
Feature: 'CD-RW Write' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'DVD+R/DL Read'
Feature: 'Power Management' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'S.M.A.R.T.'
Feature: 'CD Audio analog play'
Feature: 'Microcode Upgrade'
Feature: 'Time-out' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'DVD-CSS'
Feature: 'Real Time Streaming' (current)
Feature: 'Logical Unit Serial Number' (current) (persistent) Serial: '34D857DB031D'
Feature: 'Disk Control Blocks'
Feature: 'DVD CPRM'
Feature: 'Microcode Information' (current) (persistent)

$ cdrecord dev=/dev/dvd -atip > test_dvd.log 2>&1

cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-

cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.
scsidev: '/dev/dvd'
devname: '/dev/dvd'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
resid: 64
Cdrecord-ProDVD-Clone 2.01.01a23 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Jцrg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.9'.
Device type : Removable CD-ROM
Version : 0
Response Format: 2
Capabilities :
Vendor_info : 'HL-DT-ST'
Identifikation : 'DVDRAM GSA-4167B'
Revision : 'DL10'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc-2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM driver (mmc_dvd).
Supported modes: PACKET SAO
book type: DVD-R, Version 2.0x -> 2.1 (2.5)
disc size: 120mm (0)
maximum rate: Not specified (15)
number of layers:1
track path: Parallel Track Path (0)
layer type: Rewritable Area (2)
linear density: 0.267 µm/bit (0)
track density: 0.74 µm/track (0)
phys start: 196608 (0x30000)
phys end: 2495103
end layer 0: 0
bca: 0
phys size:... 2298496
copyr prot type: 0
region mgt info: 0
application code:64
physical code: 193
last rec address:16621272
part v./ext code:5/2
ind wr. power: 133
wavelength code: 13
write str. code: 10 88 9A 80
Manufacturer: 'MBI 01RG40'
rzone size: 48
rzone number: 1
border number: 1
ljrs: 0
track mode: 4 copy: 0
damage: 0
reserved track: 0 blank: 1 incremental: 0 fp: 0
data mode: 1
lra valid: 0
nwa valid: 1
rzone start: 0
next wr addr: 0
free blocks: 2298496
blocking factor: 16
rzone size: 2298496
last recorded addr: 0
read compat lba: 0
next layerjmp addr: 0
last layerjmp addr: 0

Capacity Blklen/Sparesz. Type
2297888 2048 Unformated or Blank Media


2. новата:

cdrecord dev=/dev/sr0 -prcap > test_prcap_sr0.log 2>&1

cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-

cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.
scsidev: '/dev/sr0'
devname: '/dev/sr0'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
Cdrecord-ProDVD-Clone 2.01.01a23 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Jцrg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.9'.
Device type : Removable CD-ROM
Version : 5
Response Format: 2
Capabilities :
Vendor_info : 'HL-DT-ST'
Identifikation : 'DVDRAM GH20NS10 '
Revision : 'EL00'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM.

Drive capabilities, per MMC-3 page 2A:

Does read CD-R media
Does write CD-R media
Does read CD-RW media
Does write CD-RW media
Does read DVD-ROM media
Does read DVD-R media
Does write DVD-R media
Does read DVD-RAM media
Does write DVD-RAM media
Does support test writing

Does read Mode 2 Form 1 blocks
Does read Mode 2 Form 2 blocks
Does read digital audio blocks
Does restart non-streamed digital audio reads accurately
Does support Buffer-Underrun-Free recording
Does read multi-session CDs
Does read fixed-packet CD media using Method 2
Does not read CD bar code
Does not read R-W subcode information
Does read raw P-W subcode data from lead in
Does return CD media catalog number
Does return CD ISRC information
Does support C2 error pointers
Does not deliver composite A/V data

Does play audio CDs
Number of volume control levels: 256
Does support individual volume control setting for each channel
Does support independent mute setting for each channel
Does not support digital output on port 1
Does not support digital output on port 2

Loading mechanism type: tray
Does support ejection of CD via START/STOP command
Does not lock media on power up via prevent jumper
Does allow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW command
Is not currently in a media-locked state
Does not support changing side of disk
Does not have load-empty-slot-in-changer feature
Does not support Individual Disk Present feature

Maximum read speed: 22160 kB/s (CD 125x, DVD 16x)
Current read speed: 22160 kB/s (CD 125x, DVD 16x)
Maximum write speed: 22160 kB/s (CD 125x, DVD 16x)
Current write speed: 22160 kB/s (CD 125x, DVD 16x)
Rotational control selected: CLV/PCAV
Buffer size in KB: 2048
Copy management revision supported: 1
Number of supported write speeds: 5
Write speed # 0: 22160 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD 125x, DVD 16x)
Write speed # 1: 22159 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD 125x, DVD 15x)
Write speed # 2: 11080 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD 62x, DVD 8x)
Write speed # 3: 11079 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD 62x, DVD 7x)
Write speed # 4: 5540 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD 31x, DVD 4x)

Supported CD-RW media types according to MMC-4 feature 0x37:
Does write multi speed CD-RW media
Does write high speed CD-RW media
Does write ultra high speed CD-RW media
Does write ultra high speed+ CD-RW media

Supported profiles according to MMC-4 feature list:
Current: DVD-R sequential recording
Profile: DVD-RAM
Profile: DVD-R sequential recording (current)
Profile: DVD-R/DL sequential recording
Profile: DVD-R/DL layer jump recording
Profile: DVD-RW sequential overwrite
Profile: DVD-RW restricted overwrite
Profile: DVD+RW
Profile: DVD+R
Profile: DVD+R/DL
Profile: DVD-ROM
Profile: CD-R
Profile: CD-RW
Profile: CD-ROM
Profile: Removable Disk

Supported features according to MMC-4 feature list:
Feature: 'Profile List' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'Core' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'Morphing' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'Removable Medium' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'Write Protect'
Feature: 'Random Readable'
Feature: 'Multi Read'
Feature: 'CD Read'
Feature: 'DVD Read'
Feature: 'Random Writable'
Feature: 'Incremental Streaming Writable' (current)
Feature: 'Formattable'
Feature: 'Defect Management'
Feature: 'Restricted Overwrite'
Feature: 'DVD+RW'
Feature: 'DVD+R'
Feature: 'Rigid Restricted Overwrite'
Feature: 'CD Track at Once'
Feature: 'CD Mastering'
Feature: 'DVD-R/-RW Write' (current)
Feature: 'Layer Jump Recording' (current)
Feature: 'CD-RW Write' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'DVD+R/DL Read'
Feature: 'Power Management' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'S.M.A.R.T.'
Feature: 'CD Audio analog play'
Feature: 'Microcode Upgrade'
Feature: 'Time-out' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 'DVD-CSS'
Feature: 'Real Time Streaming' (current)
Feature: 'Logical Unit Serial Number' (current) (persistent) Serial: 'K7L7BJ93551 '
Feature: 'Disk Control Blocks'
Feature: 'DVD CPRM'
Feature: 'Microcode Information' (current) (persistent)
Feature: 0x0113 (current) (persistent)

$ cdrecord dev=/dev/dvd -atip > test_dvd.log 2>&1

cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-

cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.
scsidev: '/dev/sr0'
devname: '/dev/sr0'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
Cdrecord-ProDVD-Clone 2.01.01a23 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Jцrg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.9'.
Device type : Removable CD-ROM
Version : 5
Response Format: 2
Capabilities :
Vendor_info : 'HL-DT-ST'
Identifikation : 'DVDRAM GH20NS10 '
Revision : 'EL00'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc-2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM driver (mmc_dvd).
Supported modes: PACKET SAO LAYER_JUMP
book type: DVD-R, Version 2.0x -> 2.1 (2.5)
disc size: 120mm (0)
maximum rate: Not specified (15)
number of layers:1
track path: Parallel Track Path (0)
layer type: Rewritable Area (2)
linear density: 0.267 µm/bit (0)
track density: 0.74 µm/track (0)
phys start: 196608 (0x30000)
phys end: 2495103
end layer 0: 0
bca: 0
phys size:... 2298496
copyr prot type: 0
region mgt info: 0
application code:64
physical code: 193
last rec address:16621272
part v./ext code:5/2
ind wr. power: 133
wavelength code: 13
write str. code: 10 88 9A 80
Manufacturer: 'MBI 01RG40'
rzone size: 48
rzone number: 1
border number: 1
ljrs: 0
track mode: 4 copy: 0
damage: 0
reserved track: 0 blank: 1 incremental: 0 fp: 0
data mode: 1
lra valid: 0
nwa valid: 1
rzone start: 0
next wr addr: 0
free blocks: 2298496
blocking factor: 16
rzone size: 2298496
last recorded addr: 0
read compat lba: 0
next layerjmp addr: 0
last layerjmp addr: 0

Capacity Blklen/Sparesz. Type
2297888 2048 Unformated or Blank Media


секс, вандализъм и религиозно мракобесие

Тема Re: счупена записвачканови [re: ЛУД ПPЪЧ]  
Авторgnome (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано26.09.08 17:50

Изходът от първата команда
cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -prcap > test_prcap_dvd.log 2>&1

cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -atip > test_dvd.log 2>&1

Тема Re: счупена записвачканови [re: easy]  
Авторgnome (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано26.09.08 17:51

Като за начало CD. Пробвах с различни цд-та и двд-та.

Тема Re: счупена записвачканови [re: gnome]  
Автор ЛУД ПPЪЧ (еблив смърдел)
Публикувано29.09.08 10:01

а това:

$ ls /var/log/packages/cdrtools*


не е много логично slackware 12.1 да има по-стара версия на cdrtools от 12.0, особено като се погледне какъв е в действителност:


ако си получил този slackware чрез ъпгрейдване от стар => си пропуснал някои неща. дръпни си горепосочения пакет и:

$ su -c "upgradepkg cdrtools-2.01.01a38-i486-1.tgz"

ще те пита за root парола и ще го ъпгрейдне. едва ли ще има проблеми със зависимости:
# ldd `which cdrecord`
linux-gate.so.1 => (0xb7fb5000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0xb7e50000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb7fb6000)

секс, вандализъм и религиозно мракобесие

Тема Re: счупена записвачка [re: ЛУД ПPЪЧ]  
Авторgnome (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано30.09.08 17:41

С този cdrtool съм си. Пробвал съм и под други дистрибуции с жив диск - убунту, сусе, но и там не става.

Нямам Windows за съжаление, за да се убедя, че записвачката е счупена :(
Някой ако се сеща нещо, моля да пише.

Тема Re: счупена записвачканови [re: gnome]  
Автор ЛУД ПPЪЧ (еблив смърдел)
Публикувано08.10.08 16:52

1. > "С този cdrtool съм си."

защо тогава ти изписва следните неща в лога:
a) Cdrecord-Clone 2.01 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jorg Schilling
б) Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
г) предупреждението, че не поддържа DVD

за сравнение, при мен са, съответно:
а) Cdrecord-ProDVD-Clone 2.01.01a23 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Jorg Schilling
б) Using libscg version 'schily-0.9'.
г) предупреждение липсва

2. > "Нямам Windows за съжаление, за да се убедя, че записвачката е счупена"

занеси устройството при някой познат и провери дали ще проработи там.

3. growisofs имаш ли?

man growisofs
growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -R -J /some/files

(/dev/dvd е съответното устройство, за което се предполага, че е DVD записващо)

секс, вандализъм и религиозно мракобесие

Тема Re: счупена записвачканови [re: ЛУД ПPЪЧ]  
Авторkaлekcи (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано09.03.09 03:18

Изкопувам стари или счупени ДВД Записвачки !!!
0898377299 Константин.

Всички темиСледваща тема*Кратък преглед
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