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Тема Gallery of Bulgarian Medieval Weapons andнови  
АвторArmour (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.01.08 20:06

Since there is very little known about bulgarian medieval weaponry , and armour in the West. I have decided to help little with an attempt to create a gallery of photografs and other pictorial sourcess in order to gather enough information.

Тема Re: Gallery of Bulgarian lances and spearsнови [re: Armour]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.01.08 20:14

These are some comming from bulg. archaeological sites , photo by Medka from
"Boina Slava" a member of bulgarian re-enacting group "Chigot" from city of Varna.

Тема the page from Bulgarian discussion forumнови [re: Armour]  
АвторMore pictures (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.01.08 20:35

More pictures from the page of bulgarian forum Boina Slava. There are pictures of some thracian swords , which of course are not medieval...

Тема Few items from Plovdiv's museumнови [re: Armour]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.01.08 23:35

Dated from 12. to 14 century , here's some pieces from Plovdiv's museum . centr top is a segmented conical helmet , typical for most of medieval bulgarian times , but since 13 . till 15 century , kettle helmets were widely popular , and finding of bascinet - style helmets are also found as well as documented in manuscripts.

Тема unique photos collected by Medkaнови [re: Armour]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано18.01.08 02:49

Mediewal Bulgaria , unique collection of pictures taken by the member of Varna's
re-enactment group "Chigot" - Medka. Medka took these photos while visiting several bulgarian museum. Here is the link to his photo gallery :

Archaeological finding are showing contrast between some concepts pushed forward about bulgarian weapons and armour , and reality of actual findings which
show , that mediewal bulgarian warriors were certainly very well armed , and equipped . Shown are even items like visor , bauerwehr , crosbow bolt tips among others.

Тема Gallery of Varna's re-enactment groupнови [re: Armour]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано19.01.08 16:23

Here is the link to the photo gallery of the bulgarian re-enactment group "Chigot"
from the city of Varna.Actually they may be upon something , because archaeological materials from Bulgariq show that bulgarian medieval weapons and armour consisted of the mix of western and eastern examples.

Тема Hungarian city -settlement of Bulgar leather [re: Armour]  
Авторarmour makers (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано04.02.08 15:12

Esztergom according to some schollars was at one poit bulgar leather armour makers settlement.Interesting , isn't it ? Was that leather lamellar or some other
type of leather armour ?In any case it seems that mostly , only hungarians are admitting the role bulgars , and allied to them tribes played even significant role on their teritory. Other nations suppress eny role of bulgars , perhaps for reason
that would disturb their often heavily altered if not "doctored" historical doctrines.

Тема Re: Hungarian city -settlement of Bulgar leatherнови [re: armour makers]  
АвторCoat of Arms (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано04.02.08 20:17

Esztergom Coat of Arms is identical to one you can find on the ceramic tile in Veliko
Tarnovo arch. Museum on the kite-like shield held by a warrior.Also the same heraldry ,belongs to Czech lordish family Slavata , who claimed that their ancestry
comes from hungarian lands . Slava-ta ....-ta e tipical ending of bulgarian names.
Would it be impossible that Slavatas were originally bulgarian nobility ?Perhaps...

Тема Bulg. medieval re-enactment club -Chigotнови [re: Armour]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.02.08 16:27

This is the link to the site of Bulgarian re-enactment club "Chigot" from port City of
Varna :

Majority if not all the weapons , armour and cosstumes were made by the members of the club.

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