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Тема Lostнови  
Автор Smile (мълчалива)
Публикувано05.12.05 16:22

Не искам Ана-Мария и Джак да се влюбват, но май точно така ще стане, ако Саид не й свети преди това маслото. Баси откачената кучка.
Но доколкото го познавам човека – той ще я заобикаля отдалече, тя ще го предизвиква, но той е държеливо копеле и ще търпи със стиснати зъби нейните опити да го изкара извън нерви.
Кейт съвсем ще се влюби в Сойър (лошите момчета винаги са били привлекателни). Накрая ще се срещнат случайно (или УЖ случайно) в гората, ще завали проливен дъжд и като се скрият някъде ще си хвърлят един горещ секс (ние – естествено - ще гледаме зеленината по дърветата и синьото небе, ‘щото така се прави в голямото кино).
Сега обаче като я няма Шанън – губи се хленчещата безпомощна и никому полезна героиня...много изненадващо...трябва поне един слабохарактерен да оцелее...си мисля.
Въобще – дайте прогнози – какво ще се случи според вас?

Тема Re: Lostнови [re: Smile]  
Автор Hexina (devilish)
Публикувано05.12.05 16:48

Първо, не се казва Ана-Мария, а Ана Лусия.
Второ, оказа се, че има и хора, които не са гледали най-новите епизоди - ако обичаш, пиши СПОЙЛЕР преди да издаваш толкова важни неща от сюжета!
Трето, прогнози има много, а ако ти се чете какво ще става занапред (къде вярно, къде не чак толкова), отиди във форума на imdb. Там един, който твърди, че е бивш сценарист на Lost и уж обяснява абсолютно всичко.

Curiosity killed the cat...

Редактирано от Hexina на 05.12.05 16:51.

Тема Re: Lostнови [re: Smile]  
Автор ss_ (докторче)
Публикувано05.12.05 19:40

Тема спойлеринови [re: Smile]  
АвторAc (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано05.12.05 22:11

Last Updated: Friday 1st December 2005 : 09:30 GMT

Listed below are the known GENERAL spoilers for Season 2, followed by detailed future Episode information. If you know of any others please let me know.

Note: Recent updates appear in RED

General Season 2 Spoilers
Spoiler 1: The "Orientation" film's jarring jump cuts are actually what Lindelof calls "missing pieces" that resulted when former hatch hermit Desmond spliced the broken movie back together after watching it too many times. Those missing pieces will become "very important plot points down the road."
Spoiler 2: Lindelof confirms that Walt said, "Push the button. Don't push the button. Bad."
Spoiler 3: Cuse admitted that Shannon's jungle encounter with Walt was a dream.
Spoiler 4: Says Lindelot: "I think the audience is very compelled to figure out exactly where Desmond was running to and, once he gets there, what is he going to do. We told you that he was in a [ship] wreck, but I think there are a lot of questions about how exactly he came to be here. That's certainly a story on the horizon."
Spoiler 5: "It's important to note," Lindelof says, "that we've never said when the plane crashed. I think the assumption is that it happened in 2004 when the show premiered, but we've never said that."
Spoiler 6:"The Helen we meet in flashbacks is not the same Helen that Locke was speaking to on the phone," Lindelof clarifies, sort of.
Spoiler 9: Marvin Candle only has 1 hand.
Spolier 10: We will be seeing less of Walt.
Spoiler 11: Desmond will be back.
Spoiler 13: The airport encounter between Jack and Ana-Lucia was not accidental.
Spoiler 14: "The Dharma Initiative creators, Gerald and Karen DeGroot --- a bearded man and blonde women seen in the film Jack and Locke watched in the hatch --- bear a striking (if not younger) resemblance to two of the people who kidnapped Walt"says Abrams.
Spoiler 15: There are other [Dharma] films that eventually you will see [on the show]," reveals Abrams.
Spoiler 16: When asked "Is it just a coincidence that Jack and hatch dweller Desmond Have met before?" Intersecting lives have become a trend on the series. In fact, Jack is already connected to Sawyer and Shannon. "The show gets to wrestle with and not always resolve questions about fate," cocreator J.J. Abrams crypyically reveals.
Spoiler 23: There are no other deaths in the works. Source: Kristin on E!Online
Spoiler 24: We'll be seeing Locke soon in another flashback, this time in his wheelchair. Source: Kristin on E!Online
Spoiler 25: Brittany Perrineau, who plays Mary Jo, the woman who pulled out Hurley's lottery numbers, and also Sawyer's one-night stand, will be back for a third episode very soon. Harold explains: "I think the idea was that Sawyer was a con man, and he might want to con the Lotto girl. And she might not be a one-night stand." Source: Kristin on E!Online
Spoiler 27: In the next string of episodes, one of the really compelling backstory elements is what happened to Jack's marriage. We think Julie Bowen is amazing and she and Matthew Fox are so great in scenes together, and I think the audience is really curious as to what went wrong there.Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
Spoiler 28: And you should pay attention to Mr. Eko's stick. That stick is an important ongoing clue. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
Spoiler 29: Locke will be back in the wheelchair soon and that he having the same boss as Hurley is very big and important. Source: E!Online
Spoiler 31: Adewale said "All I can say is that in the next couple of weeks, you're going to see his[EKO] flashbacks and back story. It's quite compelling. The writing is stunning." Source: Kristin on E!Online
Spoiler 33: They confirmed that the name of the bunker in The Other 48 Days was "The Arrow", , but did not reveal the purpose of the station. Source : Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof PODCAST
Spoiler 34: One of the items found in the trunk, not the radio, will be very integral in upcoming episodes. The payoff will be soon. The items were not randomly chosen.Source: Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof PODCAST
Spoiler 36: Damon Lindelof also indicated Ana's "leadership" would be marginalized, and that she would find herself Persona non grata following the fallout of the shannon incident.Source: Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof PODCAST
Spoiler 39: Locke and Eko will be one of the central narratives throughout the season.Source: Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof PODCAST
Spoiler 40: Eko flashbacks after xmas.Source: Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof PODCAST
Spoiler 41: They say that a Desmond flashback is likely, they also say some things that imply that an island flashback episode is likely at some point..Source: Carlton Cuse & Damon Lindelof PODCAST
Spoiler 42: Mr. Eko: Born and raised in Nigeria. Source: The Official Lost Magazine, Issue 2, Jan/Feb 2006
Spoiler 43: As with the hatch, there will be more revelations about the Dharma Initiative, but it's all going to come at times when it's going to affect the characters most. You have not seen the last of Dharma, but it's going to be a little while before you find out a little bit more. Source: The Official Lost Magazine, Issue 2, Jan/Feb 2006
Spoiler 44: There are six bunkers on the island, and they were devoted to a lot of different kinds of research. That's going to open up a lot of different avenues for us to tease you with what the kind of research was, and how it's evolved now that the Dharma Initiative seems to have fallen into disrepair. Source: The Official Lost Magazine, Issue 2, Jan/Feb 2006
Spoiler 45: The "funny" script pages posted online at OceanicFlight815.com sometimes get things wrong but sometimes they get them right... Will you be seeing "Zombie Walt" of "Clone Jack"? Probably not, but I think in everything that we do, there are hints of things that are happening. Source: The Official Lost Magazine, Issue 2, Jan/Feb 2006
Spoiler 46: Also, Mr. Eko's flashback will appear in a future episode titled The 23rd Psalm. It will explain why he was silent for 40 days after he killed 2 of the "others" and the producers promise more insight on his stick. Hmmmm...thinking of the title of the episode freaks me out...it has one of THE numbers!!. Source: TV Guide
Spoiler 47: Eko's flashback appear to be related to a church. Source: Set Photos
Spoiler 48: Different Sawyer flashbacks will most likely air during February sweeps. Teases executive producer Damon Lindelof: "A con will definitely be involved, and we will get an understanding as to why he doesn't trust women." . Source: USA today

Тема Извинете,нови [re: Hexina]  
Автор Smile (мълчалива)
Публикувано06.12.05 11:38

че Ви настъпих така лошо. Тва беше първо.
По точка две - всичко написано (с изключение на едно) са си изцяло мои прогнози.
По точка три предлагам да се закрият форумите на дир.бг, защото из нет-а има толкова много със сходни групи по интереси и спокойно може да си пишем там.

Тема Re: Lost [re: Smile]  
Автор Alegra (Огнена)
Публикувано06.12.05 14:16

за Джак не се знае, той е женен... или поне така знаем, на мен ми е по-интересно какво ще стане на глупавия остров, някак първия сезон имаше мистика, сега знаем, че това е някакъв план на луди учени... и някак ми загубиха интереса...

Но още остава недокоснат въпроса с чудовището? И още по-интересно ми е защо Лок започна да ходи

Тема Re: Lostнови [re: Alegra]  
Автор Lord Vader (one man army)
Публикувано06.12.05 14:33

Ходело му се е - проходил ... Ебаси и хората сте ... Поне за мен около личността на Лок имаше доста по-интересни моменти от "проходждането" му.
В the making of филм за LOST сценаристите казаха, че всеки странен елемент във филма има логично (и не свръхестествено) обяснение и ще бъде показано.

Аз пък съм от тези които обичат разнообразието, и по-различният сезон 2 ме устройва напълно.

И мисля да не казвам какво мен ме е впечатлило, за да не разваля кефа на хората, негледали някои от сериите, както случайно бе развален моя вчера с тази тема, щото прочетох спойлер-елементи от нея няколко часа преди да гледам епизоди 6 и 7.

I didn't join the Dark Side. The Dark Side joined me.

Тема Re: Lostнови [re: Lord Vader]  
Автор Alegra (Огнена)
Публикувано06.12.05 15:06

не съм гледала макинг оф-а, но филма като започна определено обещаваше да е мистичен, мистериозен... колко оцелели от самолетна катастрофа има по света, попаднали на остров с БЕЛИ мечки... баси, подведоха ме... не че очаквам извънземни, или нещо такова, но трябва да има нещо, което да е ненормално, нещо - ако щеш радиация да е... да не говорим, че постоянно ни загатваха с тези числа около Хърли, че има нещо... по-мистериозно... не може всичко да се обяснява с експеримент

Тема Re: Lostнови [re: Alegra]  
АвторЛok (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано06.12.05 15:57

Ми Вейдъре той човека си е писал спойлери...ти що ги четеш тогава

На мен 2 ри сезон ми е по интересен..
Лок е не-човек!!!
Жалко,че не взе Еми ,бат Тери адски си го беше заслужил..направо го ограбиха човекът!

Тема Re: Lostнови [re: Лok]  
Автор Lord Vader (one man army)
Публикувано06.12.05 16:05

Ставаше въпрос за първото мнение, където пишеше за Шанън.

Прав си за Лок :>

I didn't join the Dark Side. The Dark Side joined me.

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