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   >> Астрономия
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Тема какво ще кажете за т. нар Нибиру?нови  
Автор snakeling ()
Публикувано25.02.09 03:52

да попитам разбиращите--какво мислите за тези твърдения за планета, наричана от някои Нибиру, която щяла да пресече слънчевата система след няколко години и да донес екатаклизми.

Има някакви снмки на нощното небе, на които се виждала:

и това:

ако това не е каквото твърдят-какво е?

ето някакво самоделно ютюб видео по въпроса:

Тема Re: какво ще кажете за т. нар Нибиру?нови [re: snakeling]  
Автор snakeling ()
Публикувано25.02.09 04:02

ето още едно видео:

Тема Re: какво ще кажете за т. нар Нибиру?нови [re: snakeling]  
Автор bObbOМодератор (понякога bobo)
Публикувано25.02.09 20:36

В стари теми в клуб Астрономия от преди години има теми за Нибиру, може да погледнеш. Накратко - няма Нибиру.

Мога да ти предложа да не се занимаваш с глупости, т.е. с Нибиру. Ако пък все пак искаш да се занимаваш - пробвай в клубове за мистика, НЛО и т.н., Нибиру няма нищо общо с астрономията, а с мозъците на болни хора... или по-скоро на хора с бизнес нюх за печалба от други, заблудени хора.

Темата не е за "Астрономия".

Тема Re: какво ще кажете за т. нар Нибиру?нови [re: snakeling]  
Автор Tony Stewart (smoke)
Публикувано25.02.09 20:47

тя пресече слънчевата система през 2003-а
естествено обитателите на планетата се погрижиха да забравим всичко
чудно как не знаеш

Openness is central because it's the foundation of choice.

Тема Re: какво ще кажете за т. нар Нибиру?нови [re: bObbO]  
Автор snakeling ()
Публикувано25.02.09 21:24

неслучайно не съм отишла в НЛО и прочее дивотии

интересува ме какво е на снимките на небето на гугъл скай, ако не е каквото твърдят

може ли, като астроном да ми кажеш. защото аз не съм образована в тази област и не знам. За тов апитам който разбира.

Тема Ima Nibiru!нови [re: snakeling]  
Автор EvilSpirit (Diabolic force)
Публикувано25.02.09 21:42

The question that is on man's mind since the beginning of time is
"Where do we come from, where do we go?"
Well, let me tell you a story which took place a long, long time ago.
450 000 years before our time, when the atmosphere on "Nibiru"
the 12th planet was getting worse and worse and when "Alalu" the
sovereign of the "Annunaki-race" was dethroned and dislodged by
his opponent "Anu".
"Alalu" had to flee in his "Vimana" to save his life and he came down
to Earth and found something the "Annunaki" could use to filter the
solar radiation to save their atmosphere from destruction.:


And "Alalu" revealed his discovery to "Anu" and as reward for it
he could return to his own planet.


A reef of gold was the right offering
For soothing with a gift of right size
He handed it over to Anu the King
Alalu's return had its price
Enki the scientist the son of Anu
Came down and dug for gold
Building a haven called Eridu
He mastered his task truely bold

No more gold, the volume decreased
The heir to the throne came down
Enlil brought Edin to seize
Ripping the gold of the ground
Annunaki men dug really hard
They worked their hands to the bone
A serious revolt for setting a mark
Cause the rage and discontent had grown

Hellbound, poisoned souls, in pain they'll burn, no return
Mankind will never learn, their blinded pride, the evil side

The firestorm will rage on the day of the falling
Armaggeddon's near it's the end of the genesis
Dying by the flood, no way back, no recalling
The malice and the pride is the death and the fall of man

A daring test in the hour of need
An artificial bio-robot
Annunaki-essence for an exogamy
A fertilized ovum they had
An Annunaki woman was the one who gave birth
Adapa received his science
But Adapa was banned, he wasn't it worth
Cause of malice and evil defiance

Hellbound, poisoned souls, in pain they'll burn, no return
Mankind will never learn, their blinded pride, the evil side

The firestorm will rage on the day of the falling
Armaggeddon's near it's the end of the genesis
Dying by the flood, no way back, no recalling
The malice and the pride is the death and the fall of man

The gods created animals and plants
Adapa's daughters they took their chance
They got married to Annunaki men
Enlil got furious from this wicked sin
He knew a huge tidal wave would come
His command, no warning to none
He wanted to wipe out man from this place
He wanted to stop this conceited and evil race

As the conspirator Enki took part
Noah was charged to build up the arche
The water came deluding the spot
So, death flowed with the swallowing waves of the flood!!

Sodom and Gomorrah they fell from grace
But the gods, they had to see for themselves
Mankind was spreading demanding more space
Claiming the throne and its wealth

The gods had to prove, who was right, who was not
Who followed the laws that they gave
Only one called "Lot" at the unholy spot
They saved him and his children from grave

Firewind blew, that unleashed the storm
Atomic explosions that raged
No more warning, no arousing alarm
Their power set an end to this age

A few good souls were sent by the gods
They tried to save mankind from fall
But the "M.en I.n B.lack" were hatching a plot
Defiance and malice's their call
Grinding the earth, turning good into bad
They raged like a maniac beast
Exploiting the being, the evil did spread
Souls made for hellfire's feast

Hellbound, poisoned souls, in pain they'll burn, no return
Mankind will never learn, their blinded pride, the evil side

The firestorm will rage on the day of the falling
Armaggeddon's near it's the end of the genesis
Dying by the flood, no way back, no recalling
The malice and the pride is the death and the fall of man

The firestorm will rage on the day of the falling
Armaggeddon's near it's the end of the genesis
Dying by the flood, no way back, no recalling
The malice and the pride is the death and the fall of man

In the 7th month of the year 1999 an ancient god of wrath will return
bringing fire, water, death and destruction.
That is the day when man will be judged for all evil he has done
and he will be commanded into the eternal fire.
Only the good and righteous souls will be saved to live in eternal peace.


So it has been written, so it shall be done?????

Guardian, Evil Spirit

Тема Re: какво ще кажете за т. нар Нибиру?нови [re: snakeling]  
Автор snakeling ()
Публикувано26.02.09 03:19

ехо, астрономи! някой може ли да ми каже какво е това небесно тяло в червено на този линк, на дадените координати:

Тема Re: Ima Nibiru!нови [re: EvilSpirit]  
Автор harish_chandra (curmudgeon)
Публикувано26.02.09 07:57

Ето и

Тема туй червеното е Червената Звезданови [re: snakeling]  
Автор KиpoАдминистратор (homo pro se)
Публикувано26.02.09 11:15

Писано е по темата. Удобен момент д асе разбере полът не само на костенурката, но и на 4-те слона. Вероятността поне един от тях да е мъжки е доста голяма, така че започвай да им надничаш под опашките.
Сериозно: Занимавай си се с езотериките, астрологии и хомеопатии и не си товари главицата с глупости.

Тема Re: какво ще кажете за т. нар Нибиру?нови [re: snakeling]  
Автор bObbOМодератор (понякога bobo)
Публикувано26.02.09 11:38

Ето нещо, което е на това място:

Object name: GCVS CW Leo
Magnitude: 11.0
Equatorial: RA: 09h 48m 26s Dec: +13°14'23"(current)
Equatorial 2000: RA: 09h 47m 57s Dec: +13°16'45"
Horizon: Azim: 82°49'29" Alt: +11°47'32"
Size: 0.0 x 0.0
Visibility: Rise 18:29, Set 08:20
Transit time: 01:26
Object type: Variable Star
Spectral: C9,5
Source catalog: GCVS (General Catalog of Variable Stars)
Maximum magnitude: 10.96
Minimum magnitude: 14.8
Period: 630.
Spectral: C9,5
Position angle: 00°00'
Hour angle: -05h 44m 37s
Air mass: 4.83
Screen x,y: 646.00, 284.00
Sidereal time: 04:04
Click distance: 1.0000
Catalog number: 0
Celestial type: 1
Catalog: 0

Не се занимавай с глупости.

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